Jun 6 2017
5 Common Causes of Erectile Dysfunction
It can be difficult for a man to come forward and seek help for erectile dysfunction. Not being able to get and maintain an erection, or prematurely ejaculating can make an intimate relationship suffer. Although ED is not an uncommon problem, the causes can be very diverse. Below are some of the most common causes for this problem.
Poor Circulation
Generalized poor circulations can lead to problems in males for both getting and maintaining an erection. One sign that this may be the problem is a tingling sensation in both the legs and arms that is constant, or intermittent. If you have limbs that fall asleep often, poor circulation is most likely the problem. You should see a doctor to make sure you are not experiencing the symptoms of a more serious problem, such as clogged arteries or other cardiovascular disease.
Suffering a stroke can cause brain injury. This type of injury can take a toll on the sexual function of a man. Much of the pleasure that surrounds an individual before, during and after sex is established within the brain. There can be coordination difficulties following a stroke that make it difficult to get and maintain erections.
Stress, Depression and Anxiety
There can be a very real psychological reason behind the inability to get and maintain erections. Stress and anxiety can keep a man so keyed up that intimacy is out of the question. The need to make everything seem normal can cause bouts of premature ejaculation. Depression generally causes irritability and a lack of wanting to be close to anyone. It is not shocking to find that in these instances erections are not an easy task.
Hormone Imbalance
Low levels of testosterone in males can reduce the sex drive. The inability to be “in the mood” has a dramatic impact on sexual performance. A program of hormone replacement tends to clear up these issues in a hurry.
Diabetes can interfere with male sexual performance in two ways. There is dramatically reduced circulation in most areas of the body. A reduction in skin sensitivity can also make erectile dysfunction the norm, rather than the odd occurrence.
Contact men’s health experts like Pinnacle Men’s Health Jacksonville to get proper diagnosis and treatment of ED in Jacksonville FL today!
Jan 20 2018
I Didn’t Even Know I Had Diabetes
I needed to learn all about diabetes in Brazil because I had a crummy doctor who didn’t seem to know which way the stethoscope went into his ears. That happens a lot down here because the country’s medical system leaves a lot to be desired. The rich people often leave the country for their medical care, and the very poor don’t get any care at all. The rest of us have to sort of suffer through idiot doctors who shouldn’t have medical licenses. I often try and diagnose my conditions online before I even think about going to see one of these doctors.
Recently, I had a situation occur that made me think I might have a metabolic disorder. In particular, I started suffering from blurred vision and some other symptoms that made me think I might have developed diabetes. I know for a fact that this disease runs in my family.More →
By Editor • Uncategorized • • Tags: Brazil, care, diabetes, medicine, suffering