Mar 30 2017
How Can You Prevent And Treat Bacterial Vaginitis
Bacterial vaginitis represents the most common vaginal disorder among women. This appear because the modification of normal vaginal flora, with a reduction of lacto bacilli’s concentration and growth of other harmful bacteria. Unpleasant vaginal losses, rash and local burning (sting) are the most frequent symptoms. Untreated, this kind of infection may migrate into the superior genital tract and may determine, in time, infertility or ectopic pregnancy, also, if it appears during pregnancy may cause spontaneous abortion or premature birth.
The factors that increase the risk of this disease are multiple partners, using intrauterine devices, internal tampons, frequent usage of perfumed soaps, synthetic underwear, hormonal disorders caused by pregnancy, menopause and stress. All these lead to local pH changing, destroy healthy vaginal flora and favors the annexation of harmful bacteria.
Recommended treatment is the one with antibiotics but it is not always the solution because candid vaginitis may appear as side effect of antibiotic administration.
The maintenance of a low pH is an important part of vagina’s natural mechanism against most of pathogen microorganisms.
Multi Gyn Actigel prevents and treats bacterial vaginitis and vaginal discomfort like rashes, redness, irritations and stinging. It has a 4, 1 pH and contains only natural components (Aloe Barbadensis, Chamomilla Recutita si Calendula Officinalis), without preservatives, irritants or hormones. It does not have side effects, it can be applied without interacting with other drugs or hormonal therapies and can be safely used during pregnancy and breast feeding. It has a bioactive complex 2QR, a natural substance extracted from the plant Aloe Barbadensis which prevents harmful bacteria adherence to vaginal tissues; it optimizes vaginal flora and shape of tissues.
Because of its compounds, Multi-Gyn Actigel equilibrates local pH and stimulates lacto bacilli development, reduces rashes and vaginal irritations, removes vaginal losses and the unpleasant smell.
Multi Gyn Actigel eliminates the risk of bacterial vaginitis and associated unpleasant symptoms of this disease.
Mar 8 2018
Back On Track With Life
If you’ve been addicted to drugs or alcohol and have attended rehab, then it’s time to think about where you’ll live when you complete your treatment. A halfway house is an option that is safe and that offers the support that you need to be a success. When you look at halfway houses in Maryland, you’ll find that most are small and only have a few people who live there with you. There is usually someone there who acts as a counselor or a person who is in charge of monitoring what enters and exits the home, such as drugs or alcohol. This person can offer assistance with finding a job, getting enrolled in school and making the healthy decisions in life that you might not be able to make on your own right now.
There are a few guidelines that you can expect to follow when you move into the house. You won’t be allowed to have any kind of illegal substance. Most houses are large enough so that you have your own room. However, you might have to share a bathroom. You’ll also have to share the common areas of the house, such as the living room. Most houses will let you cook your own meals, watch television when you want and live like you would on your own. There are sometimes group meetings as well as individual counseling sessions that are offered. The main goal of being in a halfway house is to find ways to cope with your addictions and to discover how to live on your own while developing new relationships. You’ll likely be drug tested randomly to see if you are staying clean. There is usually a schedule of some kind that you have to follow. There will be tools available to help with finding a job or enrolling in school. You’ll also be responsible for helping to keep the house clean. Many houses have a curfew in the evening as well. These guidelines are for your safety and to ensure that you get your life going in a positive direction.
By admin • Health Care • • Tags: acts, addictions, alcohol, drugs, rehab