Mar 10 2018
Do You Need to Find a Dermatologist?
Do you have a serious skin problem that is getting worse every day? Is it getting so bad that you no longer want to go in public places? If this is the case, you need to have your skin looked at by a skilled dermatologist. This is a doctor who specializes in problems related to the skin. You will see many of these doctors listed online and in the phone book. However, you should never assume that all of these people will give you the same level of care. This is not true. You need to explore your options and learn whatever you can about the dermatologists in your area. Here are some of the steps you will need to take.
1. Focus on dermatologists who have been practicing in your area for a very long time.
You need to have your skin examined by a dermatologist who has many years of experience. This will help to ensure that you get an accurate diagnosis. Ideally, you should never go to any type of doctor who has been practicing for less than three years. Finding Colorado dermatology specialists with this level of experience should not be very difficult.
2. Make sure that you only make an appointment with a dermatologist who has received an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau.
You can trust the ratings that the BBB gives to various doctors in all fields of medicine. Never go to a dermatologist without first finding out his or her rating with the BBB. These ratings are only given after a great deal of research has been done about the specific doctor. The BBB has very specific criteria that they use to formulate their ratings. Therefore, you should take what they have to say very seriously.
3. Find out if any of the people you know can recommend a good dermatologist to you.
Did some of your friends used to have skin problems? If so, these people should be consulted regarding the dermatologist they went to see for their skin problem. You might get some good references.
May 10 2018
Are Veneers Right for You?
Are Veneers Right for You?
A person who has teeth that are damaged, crooked or crowded can avail themselves of dental veneers. Unlike dental implants, veneers are not even minimally invasive. Unlike dentures and bridges, they are permanent. They can be made to match a patient’s natural teeth so well that only the patient and the dentist know that they are veneers.
The Treatment
As with any major dental procedure, the patient and dentist first have a consultation. The dentist examines the patient’s teeth, orders x-rays and takes impressions of the mouth.
Three trips to the dentist’s office are needed for veneers Skokie IL, and perhaps four if the first part of the treatment isn’t done on the same day as the consultation. First, the dentist gives the patient a numbing agent and removes a very thin layer of enamel from the tooth that is to be treated. The layer is only a half a millimeter thick. This is a bit thicker than the width of a fingernail and corresponds to the thickness of the veneer. After the tooth is prepared, the dentist takes an impression and sends the impression to a dental laboratory. The dentist may place a temporary veneer on the tooth if it is unsightly after the enamel is removed. It takes between one and two weeks for the permanent veneer to be ready.
When the veneer is ready, the dentist puts it on the teeth and trims and adjusts it until it’s the perfect size and shape. The dentist then etches the tooth to give it a rough surface that will help the veneer cling to it more securely. A dental cement is placed on the tooth then the veneer is placed over it. After this, the doctor cures the dental cement with a special blue light, cleans away any excess cement and makes more adjustments. During the final visit, the patient returns for a follow up visit to make sure all is well wit the new veneer.
The overwhelming majority of patients are happy with their veneers. These veneers restore their smile and with it much of their self-confidence.
By admin • Dental Care • • Tags: avail, natural teeth, shape, veneer