Sweating , occurring at night and it commonly associated with hot flashes , the studies show that they occur to more than 75 % of menopausal females ,These episodes may be intense and severe enough to interrupt sleep night , menopause is the not only cause of night sweats , there are other causes of night sweats like for example , it can occur during pregnancy (pregnancy night sweats), also as aside effect of some medication like antidepressant and hormonal therapy.
Menopause Night sweets causes
Like hot flashes, night sweats has not completely explained mechanism, but its main cause is the lack of estrogen. That lack of estrogen shifts the set point in the thermo regulation center leading to increase body temperature , and so increase sweating as away for heat loss , there also other night sweets causes like Infection , mainly due to Tuberculosis, Other bacterial infections which lead to pus formation (streptococcal or non streptococcal), endocarditis, Osteomylitis, pus under tension or HIV infection may also lead to night sweats. Malignant tumors (cancers), most common malignant tumors cause night sweats is Lymphoma. Specially if associated with weight loss and unexplained fever. Medical drugs , Some drugs can lead to night sweats as a side effect of the drug like Antidepressant drugs ,as it cause hot flashes and so it can be associated with night sweats or cause night sweats only in range about 8 to 22 % , Also antipyretics which are used for lowering body temperature will lead to night sweats
Other medications include ( Anti estrogenic drugs, Niacin, Hydralazin and nitroglycerin).
Night sweats treatment
Treatment of night sweats and also other menopause symptoms include two main aspects , Natural remedies which in turn include two main vital approaches, and if these steps carried correctly , you can get rid of night sweats completely , these approaches are
- Life style modification
These simple modifications , can make you get free of night sweats , beside it does not have any side effects or even expensive like medication, by simple changes in your life, you can enjoy your night without annoying night sweats.
These steps are :
- Avoid stress, and anxiety also try to do relaxing and breathing exercises , they have a lot of benefits.
- Avoid hot rooms and bedding , and take cool showers especially before going to sleep , also you can cool the surrounding environment by putting air conditioners or even fans , also you can put ice water tanks beside your hand, it also may be useful.
- Avoid alcohol , smoking diet pills and spicy food .
- Natural herbs for night sweats treatment
- Phytoestrogenic herbs(e.g. black cohosh)
- Non estrogenic herbs (e.g. macafem)
The second approach is medical treatment which mainly is Hormone replacement therapy.
Apr 30 2016
Menopause Night sweets
Sweating , occurring at night and it commonly associated with hot flashes , the studies show that they occur to more than 75 % of menopausal females ,These episodes may be intense and severe enough to interrupt sleep night , menopause is the not only cause of night sweats , there are other causes of night sweats like for example , it can occur during pregnancy (pregnancy night sweats), also as aside effect of some medication like antidepressant and hormonal therapy.
Menopause Night sweets causes
Like hot flashes, night sweats has not completely explained mechanism, but its main cause is the lack of estrogen. That lack of estrogen shifts the set point in the thermo regulation center leading to increase body temperature , and so increase sweating as away for heat loss , there also other night sweets causes like Infection , mainly due to Tuberculosis, Other bacterial infections which lead to pus formation (streptococcal or non streptococcal), endocarditis, Osteomylitis, pus under tension or HIV infection may also lead to night sweats. Malignant tumors (cancers), most common malignant tumors cause night sweats is Lymphoma. Specially if associated with weight loss and unexplained fever. Medical drugs , Some drugs can lead to night sweats as a side effect of the drug like Antidepressant drugs ,as it cause hot flashes and so it can be associated with night sweats or cause night sweats only in range about 8 to 22 % , Also antipyretics which are used for lowering body temperature will lead to night sweats
Other medications include ( Anti estrogenic drugs, Niacin, Hydralazin and nitroglycerin).
Night sweats treatment
Treatment of night sweats and also other menopause symptoms include two main aspects , Natural remedies which in turn include two main vital approaches, and if these steps carried correctly , you can get rid of night sweats completely , these approaches are
These simple modifications , can make you get free of night sweats , beside it does not have any side effects or even expensive like medication, by simple changes in your life, you can enjoy your night without annoying night sweats.
These steps are :
The second approach is medical treatment which mainly is Hormone replacement therapy.
By admin • Health Care • • Tags: diet, drugs, HIV, medication, Menopause Night, sleep, stress, tension, therapy, weight loss