The average person now has more health care options than ever before. Once relegated to the outer fringes of medical treatment, acupuncture & herbal medicine have become mainstream in the past decade or so.
Medical conditions that once stumped medical professionals and frustrated patients are being treated with an array of alternative or complementary treatments offering good results. Patients often get relief for conditions ranging from musculoskeletal problems and chronic pain to substance abuse and migraine headaches.
Today’s medical professionals may incorporate alternative methods into patients’ treatments while also using more familiar medical and surgical strategies. The synergy between traditional Chinese medicine and modern Western modalities commonly results in vast improvements in patients’ health outcomes.
Traditional acupuncturists sometimes use a variation known as moxabustion to improve results for some patients. In moxabustion, a small quantity of a medicine herb is slowly burned in a small cup atop an acupuncture needle. The resulting heat delivers pinpoint therapeutic benefits in a troublesome spot.
Many acupuncture practitioners have begun including certain modern components in their patient care. Medical practitioners such as Dr. Bryan MD have updated ancient moxabustion by directing a low-voltage electrical current through the needle. Patients suffering persistent pain often gain a high level of relaxation and pain relief from this method.
The skeptic might wince at acupuncture in general and the moxabustion variations in particular, but the documented results are based on good science. The needles are inserted into points on the body along pathways known as meridians that correspond somewhat to nerve pathways. Needle insertion sets off a specific cascade of neurotransmitters in the body, mainly anti-inflammatories, endorphins and neuroendocrine. These naturally occurring chemicals are associated with pain relief, relaxation and more rapid healing.
Dr. Bryan, who received extensive training and education in traditional Chinese medicine in addition to his medical degree, also uses several traditional herbs when treating patients. Used in place of or in combination with modern medicine, these plant-based medicines are successful in treating an array of conditions. While they may address conditions where more modern medicines sometimes fall short, the traditional drugs usually have fewer side effects when administered by a skilled practitioner.
The move away from the sole use of magic-bullet modern treatment to one that includes age-old traditional methods can only benefit the patient. Fortunately, many health insurers now cover several proven alternative or complementary therapies for their clients.
Jul 6 2015
Mixing Old and New Methods for Improved Results
The average person now has more health care options than ever before. Once relegated to the outer fringes of medical treatment, acupuncture & herbal medicine have become mainstream in the past decade or so.
Medical conditions that once stumped medical professionals and frustrated patients are being treated with an array of alternative or complementary treatments offering good results. Patients often get relief for conditions ranging from musculoskeletal problems and chronic pain to substance abuse and migraine headaches.
Today’s medical professionals may incorporate alternative methods into patients’ treatments while also using more familiar medical and surgical strategies. The synergy between traditional Chinese medicine and modern Western modalities commonly results in vast improvements in patients’ health outcomes.
Traditional acupuncturists sometimes use a variation known as moxabustion to improve results for some patients. In moxabustion, a small quantity of a medicine herb is slowly burned in a small cup atop an acupuncture needle. The resulting heat delivers pinpoint therapeutic benefits in a troublesome spot.
Many acupuncture practitioners have begun including certain modern components in their patient care. Medical practitioners such as Dr. Bryan MD have updated ancient moxabustion by directing a low-voltage electrical current through the needle. Patients suffering persistent pain often gain a high level of relaxation and pain relief from this method.
The skeptic might wince at acupuncture in general and the moxabustion variations in particular, but the documented results are based on good science. The needles are inserted into points on the body along pathways known as meridians that correspond somewhat to nerve pathways. Needle insertion sets off a specific cascade of neurotransmitters in the body, mainly anti-inflammatories, endorphins and neuroendocrine. These naturally occurring chemicals are associated with pain relief, relaxation and more rapid healing.
Dr. Bryan, who received extensive training and education in traditional Chinese medicine in addition to his medical degree, also uses several traditional herbs when treating patients. Used in place of or in combination with modern medicine, these plant-based medicines are successful in treating an array of conditions. While they may address conditions where more modern medicines sometimes fall short, the traditional drugs usually have fewer side effects when administered by a skilled practitioner.
The move away from the sole use of magic-bullet modern treatment to one that includes age-old traditional methods can only benefit the patient. Fortunately, many health insurers now cover several proven alternative or complementary therapies for their clients.
By admin • Health Care • • Tags: alternative methods, benefit, care, chemicals, drugs, health, medicines, needles, relaxation, suffering