Nov 16 2016
Eye Allergies And How To Treat Them
Just like your body can over react to something it thinks could cause you trouble your eyes will also have a over reaction to something it perceives as dangerous. Allergic conjunctivitis or pink eye is a common problem for many people. Eye allergies are often hereditary and run in families so look for a family history of them. Eye allergies can be accompanied by other allergy symptoms like a runny nose and sneezing or may occur in those who suffer from hay fever and asthma. If you are one of those people who suffer from eye allergies you must take action to prevent them.
Treating Eye Allergies
Eye Allergies can be very irritating and hard to treat. The worst thing you can do is to rub your eye with your hand, as your hand may contain bacteria and it will only inflame your eyes more. You can try some eye drops to keep them from becoming dry. Some people claim capsules of herbal supplements like eyebright and ginkgo biloba help. You may want apply a cold compress with a clean sterile wash cloth. The old stand by of putting cucumber slices over the eyes will also act as a cold compress and can sometimes help. You might also want to try a soothing eye pillow. Antihistamines and decongestants can also reduce eye allergy symptoms. If you wear contact lenses your contacts could be complicating things and making your eyes feel worse. You might want to switch to regular glasses at times when your eyes are really bothering you.
Eye problems are not to be taken lightly. Many serious eye problems could have the same symptoms as eye allergies so its important to get a medical diagnosis. Its important to get eye allergies under control as long term rubbing and itching could cause damage to your eyes.
Nov 23 2016
Insects That Can Cause Allergies
Not only is spring the time of year people start to worry about spring seasonal allergies but its also the time of year that those pesky insects make their return and invade your backyard BBQ or picnic. There are a number of insects that can cause allergies from stinging or biting, the most common are bubble bees, wasps and fire ants.
Bubble Bees
Bubble bee stings can of course be dangerous to those allergic but luckily the bubble bee is not aggressive and most likely won’t attack unless it feels the need to defend itself. Bubble bees and honey bees are attracted to bright flower like colors, food (specially scents) and water. They will leave behind their stinger after stinging and can only sting once as they die after stinging.
Wasps, Hornets and Yellow Jackets
These speices tend to be more aggressive than the bubble bee and can sting multiple times leaving no stinger behind. You can find them nesting in and around wooded structures as well as eaves of houses. They are attracted more to sweet things like sugar or your can of soda pop on the picnic table.
Fire Ants
Fire ants were accidentally imported from South America and are quickly becoming a problem as they have spread through much of the United States. The ants live in mounds and can be very aggressive attacking and stinging 6-8 times even if not provoked. The sting can be very painful so shoes are a good idea even if you are not allergic to their bites.
By admin • Allergy • • Tags: allergies, BBQ, Bubble Bees, Fire Ants, multiple times, South America, United States